concetti e idee
Il nostro approccio metodologico e progettuale è artigianale. Per lo sviluppo dei nostri lavori, rileviamo con attenzione le caratteristiche fisiche del luogo di progetto: il paesaggio, i materiali che connotano il territorio di riferimento, la luce, l’atmosfera.
Ogni progetto nasce dal confronto delle idee di tutti i componenti dello studio e dall’integrazione delle competenze specifiche dei consulenti che ci affiancano.
Studio Bagagli was established towards the end of 2014, following the discontinuation of the professional activities of the former MB & Partners studio. Silvano, with over 46 years of professional experience, along with his son Luca, decided to establish the new studio in the premises located at Capannoli Vicolo Botteghino No. 9/3, where they combined their respective skills and professional experiences gained during their previous activities.
The studio primarily deals with Building and Urban Planning, Renovations, Redevelopment Plans, and Urban Rehabilitation, Feasibility Projects in the field of Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural, Tourist Accommodation, Agritourism, Agricultural, Hotel, Student Housing construction, in addition to a wide range of related skills, including:
- Technical Direction of works and accounting
- Topography and General Cadastre
- Instrumental surveys using Leica Total Station, Leica GPS, Laser Scanner
- Appraisal reports
- Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)
- Inheritance successions
- General technical consulting
- Real estate asset management
- Project Management activities,
- Preparation and analysis of “Due Diligence”
The Studio also takes on assignments for the preparation of professional services in collaboration with:
- Architectural studios
- Civil engineering studios
- Hydraulic engineering studios
- Acoustic engineering studios – acoustic testing and certifications
- General building services engineering studios
- Geology and seismology studios
- Thermotechnical and electrical engineering studios
- LEED / LEED GOLD certifications
These professional studios are valuable to us since we have been collaborating for over twenty years, each contributing their respective expertise and specializations, allowing us to offer clients a comprehensive service for any competence required to fulfill the professional assignment entrusted to us.
- Industrial Building Expert, independent freelancer with Studio in Capannoli Vicolo Botteghino n.9/3.
- Obtained on 07.31.1976 the diploma of Chief Industrial Expert with construction specialization at the Leonardo da Vinci State Industrial Technical Institute in Pisa.
- He attended the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Florence from 1978 to 1981 to obtain a degree in Architecture, and passed 15 exams in the various courses.
- For over 37 years he was part of the former professional association STUDIO MB & PARTNERS based in Capannoli (PI).
- He has been practicing his profession as a freelancer since 02.18.1977 in the premises located in Capannoli (PI), Vicolo Botteghino n° 9/3.
- In September 2014 he founded STUDIO BAGAGLI, together with his son LUCA, Surveyor, and consolidated the close collaboration with leading firms of Architects, Engineers and Geologists in the province of Pisa – Florence – Lucca – Livorno, with whom, under his direction, he shares highly specialized sector projects.
- Registered in the Register of Industrial Experts of the Province of Pisa at no. 292 since 02.18.1977.
- Registered in the Register of Experts of the Court of Pisa, Civil Section.
- Registered in the Construction Category, in the Register of Experts of the Court of Pisa in criminal matters.
- Registered with the Ministry of Industry and the C.C.I.A.A. of Pisa in the list of verifiers pursuant to the Ministerial Decree. 22.04.1992 for the systems referred to in art. 1 of Law 46/90.
- Technical consultant and fiduciary expert for three banking institutions in the province of Pisa.
- Obtained the certificate for having attended the refresher course for “construction in seismic zones” at the Order of Engineers of the Province of Pisa in 1982.
- Obtained the certificate of attendance on 09.27.1997 and passed the training course on safety on construction sites pursuant to Legislative Decree 08.14.96 n° 494-Legislative Decree 81.
- Drafted various activities in the topographical, cadastral and contractual fields of high importance at a national level, through assignments conferred by S.G.R., Real Estate Investment Funds, Real Estate, Industrial and manufacturing companies, through which he acquired consolidated professional experience.
- Designed and directed new construction works of a residential, industrial and commercial nature, at a regional level for approximately m3. 200,000.
- Designed and directed public works in the municipalities of the province of Pisa (roads, sewers, aqueduct) of various importance.
- From 1990 to 1995 he was technical director of all construction sites and director of works of various residential, industrial and office complexes built by important real estate companies in the Province of Pisa.
- Drafted as a team some urban subdivision plans for civil, industrial and commercial buildings designed in the municipalities of Capannoli, Ponsacco, Peccioli, Pontedera.
- Drafted urban recovery plans, urban restructuring plans and urban redevelopment in the various historic centers at provincial and regional level, in particular in the city of Florence in Piazza della Signoria, including the “Palazzo Uguccioni” and the “Palazzo Bombicci”, ” Palazzo del Moro ” in via Del Moro, and recently the Ex Cinema ARISTON in Pisa, and others still in progress.
- Professional management training in Real Estate at SDA Bocconi in Milan, having taken courses in July 2002 on “Management of Real Estate Assets”, as well as on “Real Estate Economics and Finance”.
- Directed on behalf of Real Estate Companies as PROJECT MANAGER & DEVELOPMENT important and prestigious operations including:
- THE CASTLE OF ALICA (PI) – Restoration and Renovation (building dating back to the year 1200);
- THE UGUCCIONI PALACE in Piazza della Signoria in Florence – Restoration and Renovation (building dating back to the year 1550 attributed to “Raphael”);
- THE BOMBICCI PALACE in Piazza della Signoria in Florence – Restoration and Renovation;
- Borgo VILLA PARRA SAN SEVERINO in Navacchio (PI) Ancient complex from the 1700s – Restoration and Conservative Redevelopment;
Ancient complex of FORNACI BRACCINI in Pontedera; - Ancient complex “Villa di Castellonchio of the marquises BERTOLLI-CARRANZA in San Miniato (PI) – Recovery Plan;
- Former ENPAM FOUNDATION residential complex in Florence Via Poggio Imperiale;
- Management of the real estate portfolio and development of real estate companies owned by important banking institutions.
Surveyor and graduate in Legal Services for Business. Specialized in 2D graphic design, drafting and management of construction practices, real estate estimates and appraisals, technical and real estate consultancy, construction management of civil construction interventions and construction site management.
Main activities:
- 2d graphic design.
- Drafting and management of construction practices.
Real estate estimates and appraisals. - Drafting of Energy Performance Certificates.
- Plano-altimetric topographic surveys and tracing.
- Preparation and sending of cadastral update documents.
- Land registry subdivisions.
- Technical reports for notarial deeds (purchase, sale, exchange, divisions, etc.).
- Inheritance reports.
- Preliminary drafting of sales and rental agreements.
- Preparation of thousandth table.
- Technical and real estate consultancy.
- Construction management of civil construction interventions and construction site management.